About this Blog

I’ll start with Why (yes, that’s a reference to great Simon Sinek).

I am reading LinkedIn profiles a lot in my job. They are all horrible, including my own. A curriculum vitae have become a SEO optimized tag engine. More hot keywords you have, the more attention you get from headhunters that don’t understand a bit from the vocabulary they use. We became searchable indexes in databases.

I decided to say no. I will write the human part of my story here. If you want to get in touch with me, it is still relatively easy. But I will stop wearing that LinkedIn mask and I will stop hiding who I am behind those indexed knowledge badges. I do that to all engineering candidates for a while, this is actually the first thing I ask: “tell me your story” and it works really well. Now it is my turn and this blog is my story. 

Keep in mind that I have a good job, not looking for a change. You might be in a totally different situation. This is not a recipe for everyone.

From the technological perspective, I am aiming for fast, no nonsense site that I’d be able to edit from everywhere. I decided on the Sapper framework built on top of Svelte compiler. It is not widely used, but it is one of the important technologies coming to the market and I wanted to give it a shot on a real project.

For now it loads articles from JSON serialized HTML documents, I’ll rewrite this to use markdown later. You can fork (clone) the code I am using, but it requires some basic understanding of javascript and git. For writing HTML content, I recommend https://htmleditor.io/ , but any HTML editor that output clean code will work. 

I decided to go with modern, clean CSS, utilizing the built in component styling separation of Sapper. If the site looks weird, you either use an obsolete browser or have different taste in design. I am good enough in CSS to build this from scratch, but I am no wizard to fix it for Internet Explorer 6, sorry.